Monday, December 15, 2008


lots of work has gone into the layout of my website. I purchased books on css and have began to remove any tables i initially used and replace them with div tags and control them with css. This has taken a lot of time to get to grips with but it will benifit my site and make changes easier to make

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Java Or PHP

Of been researching what coding language to use when coding my project. I think im going to use PHP as it seems to be ideal for the type of website i want to create and also gaining a knowledge of another language will be very beneficial to me in the future

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Nike has something like how i want a part of my site to function

Monday, November 10, 2008


Made a template for my fyp. not sure whether to keep it yet but its getting my ideas out anyway

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This is the website that give me alot of good design ideas

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Im just about finished my research report. The due date is tomorrow but I think its going well. Still have to finish my detailed proposal to hand up for Monday. Still having a bit of trouble on how I want my site to actually go but i'm getting there.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Database research

Ive bee looking up database principles recently. These include normalizing tables to make sure my database wont get errors due to bad database design.Ive also be deciding what tables to use so coding will become easier at a later stage

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


As I am very interested in sports and in GAA especially I have decided to take the web presence of GAA in a different direction. To date through my research i have noted that though very informative, GAA websites are not that creative or aesthetically pleasing.
With the combination of video and sound, and with giving the user lots of control throughout the site I believe I can create a site that centralises GAA sites and surpasses any out there.

I have a lot to do with regards planning how i want my site to operate. I have many ideas that may contradict each other so I've to be very careful on my planning as i don't want to have problems in designing due to poor planning.

Sites I am so far inspiring to would be a combination of and many movie websites that are being developed. I like the way many of these site use video with the navigation to make a much more dynamic site.

Monday, September 29, 2008

FYP blog

This is my blog