Friday, April 24, 2009

Nearly all done

Report is now finished and handed up. Project to hand up next week, then exams.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I've been concentrating on writing my report for the last few weeks as well as further testing of my project

Monday, March 23, 2009


I have email systems throughout my site. This is just an example of an email that gets sent to users when they register.


These are some fake advertising I'm including in my website to show that advertising is possible within my site

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cross Browser

I've spent most of the last week testing areas of my site on different browsers and making sure that my css, javascript and images was working cross browsers. There was quite alot of bugs especially in IE6 and to a lesser extent Safari.

I have now sorted the proplems. Most were positioning and padding problems. IE6 had the problem that it created a background for my .png images that had a transparent background. I got a workaround to sort this problem and now everything appears to be working fine

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I have the code nearly completed for the profiles home page and the actual profile pages. I have a layout that can include advertising which I think would be benificial if I view this as a real site.

Monday, February 16, 2009

uploading youtube videos

I have code done so the user can upload youtube videos by using the url. This code has a few bugs at the min as i have to change the url the user enters into the link needed for embedding youtube videos so i think extensive testing will be needed for this code

Flash nav

I have redone my nav menu. Now it is more dynamic through using flash but i'm still going to have the other nav in the background that is only shown if the user does not have a flash player installed


I have the code ready to implement that when a user clicks an area that they have to be logged in, they go to a login page but once logged in they are relocated to the page that they came from

Scrolling divs

I hava javascript done so i can have a div that dides text that goes over its height but on hovering over up and down arrows it scrolls the text. This lets me customise the style as i dont just have the default scroolbar associated which each browser

Info pages

I have all the code done so that users can change information of information like wikipedia. Users have to be registered to avail of this. I still want to have a tool bar on my edit page so users can effect the styling of the text they enter


I have all the code done for mu forum where like any form user can add new topics and create posts in topics

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

new header

last two weeks

I've created a forum for my site. Haven't fully implemented it into my site yet but have all the code done. all that needs to be done is put the styling with it. Have also done my first info page that can be updated by the user. Not quite set up to only be used by registered users but its nearly there.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Throughout the christmas break i have been setting up my design with the code so when my code is implemented it will intergrate with the design easily.